Table of Contents
Further api findings
Information about currently logged in user
Exclude playlists Jellyfin server
./Emby.Naming/Common/NamingOptions.cs: ".flac", ./MediaBrowser.Model/Dlna/MediaFormatProfile.cs: FLAC, ./MediaBrowser.Model/Dlna/MediaFormatProfileResolver.cs: if (StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(container, "flac")) ./MediaBrowser.Model/Dlna/MediaFormatProfileResolver.cs: return MediaFormatProfile.FLAC; ./MediaBrowser.Model/Net/MimeTypes.cs: if (StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(ext, ".flac")) ./MediaBrowser.Model/Net/MimeTypes.cs: return "audio/flac";
- MediaBrowser.Controller/Playlists/Playlist.cs
[...] public static string[] SupportedExtensions = { ".sos" }; [...]
Convert Plex playlists
https://turbotux.de/Users/{user_id}/Items?api_key={api_key}&IncludeItemTypes=Playlist&format=json https://turbotux.de/Users/eb8c2ec5352843d3a16ca11c26d3551c/Items?api_key={api_key}&IncludeItemTypes=Playlist&format=json https://turbotux.de/Users/eb8c2ec5352843d3a16ca11c26d3551c/Items?api_key=a5dc4ea2f58d490db39c9e0ad204aa83&IncludeItemTypes=Playlist&format=json https://turbotux.de/Users/eb8c2ec5352843d3a16ca11c26d3551c/Items?api_key=a5dc4ea2f58d490db39c9e0ad204aa83&IncludeItemTypes=Playlist&format=json https://turbotux.de/Items?format=json&Recursive=true&IncludeItemTypes=Playlist&api_key=MYAPIKEY
this one is good:
creating playlist
this works
curl --data "UserId=eb8c2ec5352843d3a16ca11c26d3551c&Name=lolorollo&api_key=a5dc4ea2f58d490db39c9e0ad204aa83" "https://turbotux.de/Playlists?UserId=eb8c2ec5352843d3a16ca11c26d3551c&Name=lolorollo&api_key=a5dc4ea2f58d490db39c9e0ad204aa83"
searching track
its only hint
extra fields
Import playlists Jellyfin
- Remove previous library: rm /var/lib/jellyfin/data/library.*
- Add new library, disable real time monitoring and metadata fetching
- Creating API key
- Go to server settings (icon upper right corner)
- Expert → Advanced, left menu
- Menu upper middle part: Security
- Beside title api keys, click on the plus symbol
- App name: playlist importer
- Copy api key hash, something like
- Get userid hash
- Click on the profile icon, upper right corner
- Click on profile
- Copy userid hash from the url which looks like:
audio normalization
return _config.GetConfiguration<EncodingOptions>("encoding");
onny@onnuex /tmp> r128gain test.flac test_quieter.flac Analyzing loudness of file 'test.flac'... Analyzing loudness of file 'test_quieter.flac'... File 'test.flac': loudness = -13.2 LUFS, sample peak = -0.5 dBFS File 'test_quieter.flac': loudness = -20.6 LUFS, sample peak = -7.8 dBFS Tagging file 'test.flac' Tagging file 'test_quieter.flac'
Apr 09 18:02:43 picloud dotnet[10436]: [18:02:43] [INF] /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i file:"/mnt/audio/music/Mac Demarco/All Of Our Yesterdays (Single)/01 All Of Our Yesterdays.flac" -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads 0 -acodec aac -strict experimental -ac 2 -vn -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time 3 -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format mpegts -segment_list_type m3u8 -segment_start_number 0 -segment_list "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcoding-temp/6d88998728f39c3666d33c311a1bbb33.m3u8" -y "/var/lib/jellyfin/transcoding-temp/6d88998728f39c3666d33c311a1bbb33%d.ts"
- MediaBrowser.Api/Playback/Hls/BaseHlsService.cs
return string.Format("{0} {1} -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads {2} {3} { 4} {5} -f segment -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero -segment_time {6} {10} -individual_header_trailer 0 -segment_format {11} -segment_list_entry_prefix {12} -segment_li st_type m3u8 -segment_start_number {7} -segment_list \"{8}\" -y \"{9}\"", [...] var args = string.Format("{0} {1} {2} -map_metadata -1 -map_chapters -1 -threads {3} { 4} {5} -max_delay 5000000 -avoid_negative_ts disabled -start_at_zero {6} -hls_time {7} -individual _header_trailer 0 -start_number {8} -hls_list_size {9}{10} -y \"{11}\"",
public share audio
jellyfin fetching json when logged in:
it will require an access token! same page without login
lets achieve something like
- jellyfin-web/src/components/appRouter.js
// if (apiClient && apiClient.isLoggedIn()) { // // console.log('appRouter - user is authenticated'); // // if (route.isDefaultRoute) { // console.log('appRouter - loading skin home page'); // loadUserSkinWithOptions(ctx); // return; // } else if (route.roles) { // // validateRoles(apiClient, route.roles).then(function () { // // callback(); // // }, beginConnectionWizard); // return; // } // }
- jellyfin-web/src/bower_components/apiclient/apiclientcore.js
var url = userId ? this.getUrl("Users/" + userId + "/Items/" + itemId) : this.getUrl("Users/Guest/Items/" + itemId);
now it fails on backend userid validation
Input string was not in a correct format.
Internal server error http://localhost:8096/emby/Users/Guest/Items/9cf4001dc9b153f8637d660b66628ea4
- System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.
- /jellyfin-10.3.1/Emby.Server.Implementations/Services/StringMapTypeDeserializer.cs
- /jellyfin-10.3.1/Emby.Server.Implementations/Services/ServicePath.cs
onny/jellyfin.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/31 10:42 by